- Accessing & navigating the ‘Manage Users’ page
- Creating the user record
- Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information - Alberta
- Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information - British Columbia
- Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information - Ontario
Did you know that all system administrators for your clinic are able to add and manage your EMR users? That is right! The Juno EMR team does not need to be involved in creating users in your EMR. In fact, we highly encourage you to get familiar with the process of adding and managing user access early on, as we strongly believe this will give your clinic the best Juno EMR experience: no need to wait on our team to add a new employee to your system or remove someone who has left the practice. You have full control over who has access to your EMR at all times!
Your Juno EMR requires three different pieces of information when you are creating a new user:
First, a provider record which will be filled with all the relevant information about this person, and will let your Juno EMR know this person has an account in your EMR.
Second, a set of credentials – a username, password and second level passcode which the user will then use to log in to the EMR.
Finally, a role which determines what the user can access in your EMR.
Accessing & navigating the ‘Manage Users’ page
The very first thing you’ll do is to navigate to your administration panel. This is done by clicking on the ‘Admin’ tab at the very top of your screen. From here, go to the ‘Manage Users’ page. This can be done either by clicking on the ‘Manage Users’ button in the middle here, or by clicking on ‘User Management’ on the left to expand the menu, then on the ‘Manage Users’ option. This will take you to your list of EMR users.
Note: If you are using a smaller screen, the admin option may be hidden under the ‘More’ tab. Simply click on ‘More’, then click on ‘Admin’ to open the administration panel.
Once on the ‘Manage Users’ page, click on the ‘Add User’ button to create a new user. You can also view or edit an existing user record (provider), or inactivate an existing record by using the buttons on the left as identified in the screenshot below.
Creating the user record
The ‘Add User’ page is divided into sub-sections which are described below.
1. User Information
Start by filling in the user information. The required fields here are ‘Last Name’ and ‘First Name’, as well as the user ‘Type’. The user type here will help you narrow down your list of users for some of the EMR functionalities. Users identified as ‘Doctors’, for example, will be included in the list of providers available to select as an MRP, or most responsible provider, in the patient’s details page. We recommend selecting ‘Doctors’ for your healthcare practitioners and either ‘admin’ or ‘receptionist’ for your admin staff to help keep your various drop downs organized.
2. Site Assignment
If your clinic is using Juno EMR’s multisite feature, use the ‘Site Assignment’ section to assign sites to this user, otherwise move ahead to the next step. Site assignment is required for users to be able to book appointments, be booked at a location, as well as create prescriptions and consultations requests with that location’s address. To add a site assignment, start typing the name of the location in the ‘Search’ field. A couple letters are enough for your EMR to give you matching options. Select the matching options from the list, then click on the ‘Add’ button.
3. Access Roles
Your next step is to determine what type of EMR access this user requires for their position within your clinic which is done by selecting the appropriate “role”. I should specify that roles in Juno EMR are really sets of permissions determining what a user can see or not see in the EMR. This has nothing to do with their role within your organization, though their position likely affects what they need to have access to.
The most used role in the EMR is called ‘doctor’. It gives users access to the schedule, patients charts, and the inbox which are needed by most EMR users in their day to day job. As such, the ‘doctor’ role is considered as the standard access level, and is automatically added to all newly created users. That’s why you can see it listed here. If the user you are adding needs administrative access to your EMR, type in ‘admin’ in the field, then click on the ‘Add’ button to add the secondary role. A user with both the ‘doctor’ and the ‘admin’ roles will have full access to the EMR.
4. Contact Information
Your new user’s contact information can be stored in this section. It is important to note that information added to the address or work phone fields here will take precedence over the clinic’s information when this user is writing prescriptions or consultations, so avoid putting in the user’s personal address, or the clinic’s ‘back office’ phone number here.
5. Login Information
Your next step will be to create a login record for this user. To do so, scroll back to the top of the page, and locate the ‘Login Information’ section in the top right of the page. Here, enter the user’s email address, then the username they will be using to log in to the EMR.
Create a password, then confirm it in the field just below. A password must be at least 8 characters long, contain both numbers and letters, and at least 1 upper case and 1 lower case letter. You can also add special characters to increase your password’s security.
Create a second level passcode – this is usually a 4 digit number – and retype the second level passcode to confirm it in the field below.
6. Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information
Your Juno EMR relies on information entered in the provider record of your health care providers for some of its functionalities such as including specific set of information on eForms, on prescriptions, or while billing through your billing platform. Filling out the necessary fields will ensure your users are getting the best experience with your EMR. The fields vary from province to province, so please refer to the next section to know more about what should be included when you are creating a new health care provider in Juno EMR.
Note: This information can be added at a later date if you do not have it on hand when you first create the user.
Once done filling all the information, click on the ‘Add User’ button at the bottom of the page to create the user in your EMR.
Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information - Alberta
1. Billing Information
You do not need to fill in all the details under ‘Billing Information’ in Juno EMR. Most of this will need to be entered in ClinicAid directly so it is included in your billing. The one field that is crucial for you to add though is the ‘Billing Number’ (A) which would be the provider’s practitioner identification number (prac id) provided by AHS.
2. 3rd Party Identifiers
Add the following information to the identified fields:
B. CPSID: The number given to your healthcare provider by their college. For a physician, it would be from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, for example.
C. E-Delivery Ids: This number will be provided by AHS to us when your clinic is setup with labs eDelivery, and each time a new doctor is added to your clinic on their side. We will add the appropriate numbers here so your lab results can be routed automatically to the right doctors.
D. TAK #: Similarly to the E-Delivery Ids, this number is provided to us when Calgary Lab Services completes a setup for eDelivery. It allows doctors to include the number on their requisitions so results can be eDelivered to the right EMR.
E. Connect Care Provider Id: This number is provided by the Connect Care team upon registration or eDelivery setup. It identifies the provider for both requisitions and lab mapping once the results are received.
Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information - British Columbia
1. Billing Information
A. Billing Number
MSP number of the health care provider.
B. Payee Number
The payee number is the number identifying where the fee for this service should be deposited. This is usually either a private payee number the health care practitioner has, a clinic payee or, in the case of a locum, the payee of the doctor the healthcare practitioner is covering for. Payees can only be used in a single billing system at a time, so it’s important to keep that in mind before starting to bill!
This field is only filled up when using OSCAR billing. While you can certainly include information here when using ClinicAid, note that the information will need to be re-added to the ClinicAid provider record afterwards as well.
C. Service Location Code (SLC)
Select a SLC from this drop down to overwrite the clinic / site settings. See our Service Location Code guide for more details.
D. BCP Sites
If your clinic is using the multisite feature, select the sites for which this provider is registered with the Business Cost Premium (BCP) program.
2. 3rd Party Identifiers
The number given to your healthcare provider by their college. For a physician, it would be from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, for example.
F. IHA Provider Mnemonic
This is an identification number provided to Juno EMR when a clinic is setup to receive labs eDelivery with Interior Health Authority (IHA). It allows for lab results to be mapped to the requester’s inbox when the results are received.
Billing, Third Party & Province Specific Information - Ontario
1. Billing Information
A. Billing Number: Enter your provider’s OHIP number here.
2. 3rd Party Identifiers
The number given to your healthcare provider by their college. For a physician, it would be from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for example.
C. LifeLabs Client ID
This number is provided to Juno EMR for each provider when a clinic is initially setup for eDelivery, and when a provider is added to the list of providers associated with your eDelivery account. It is used on requisition to ensure the LifeLabs team knows where the lab results should be delivered.