Oscar McMaster training video series by OscarHost.ca. This video covers adding and editing eDocs and eForms in the Oscar electronic medical record software.
Automated Video Transcript:
hello and welcome to the free Oscar training video series
by Oscar host .ca but in certain this girl and in this quick video I'm gonna
cover you docs
Andy forms within the Oscars Mr so
the first thing is eat documents %uh
are actually static documents that you want at TR
are up there things like ask and in files like cat may be old patient
records or
patient handouts tech that letters things like that Dom
the first rate at them is to go to the e doc section here
these are year generally documents that are associated with any particular
patient record
I am you can add a document you can add a link
you can add HTML here and now all show up
either and air private documents are under public documents
public documents are viewable by anybody who has access to your Mr
so I had to at the right documents to the right place accordingly
up so we're gonna go ahead and add a document
saver gonna add a hand though our gonna call it handout a
on this check box here makes it a public document
and then we're going to browse
and we're going to you look great saved on my computer
ever and this PDF file as a public document
and click at he can see it to add to rate their I can delete it
if I want our at that particular document and
change the name on it %uh or upload any file
so I am
I can also add another document for an ad in other hand over in college 82
and I mean at upload a dot doc file
and click Add as a
private document so and I have I to documents in the system
I want a PDF file one is a MS Word document
when I click on the PDF file that opens in my browser and
when I a click on the MS Word document it attempts to download it
because it is how to render this particular file type so you can add
whatever types of documents you want
annable either download or render them depending on
I am what it can I can handle
so you can add as much as you want to hear on under the public documents
it might be a good idea dad things like a contact lists are
I am general forms a
our general picture handouts that to d like to give to people so the other
place to add
documents is into the directly into a patient's records so
and I V click on the each year
on the a patient to
the patient appointment it opens up the encounter screen
IOM if you go to documents
you can add documents just like on the last screen that we're at
and I a at da canceling chased him out just the same way
the only difference is is these are dawn Donald doctor this particular patients
private documents
so there are only available in this record %uh
not to anybody else in the Mr are right
close at so the next thing is he forms forms a little different than documents
in that you can
add information to them and save them to
up particular patient profiles so where I can get to go to the encounter screen
for this patient and we're going to click
on the forms and I can see the
the forms we have available in our system right now I can choose any form
and it to build the form into a web page here
I can fill it out however I'd Lake
checked the check boxes that are appropriate
and Ulm then click
submit on the bottom are right
then when I go to karate forms you can see that this particular the farm was
added to this patient's profile on this date and if I want to I can't leave it
to go back to being capture screen and reload it the form now shows up
I and I can add as many these types of the farm site what
so before you'll be able to add any forms
to a particular patient profile you can actually need
to Dom at some reforms teary Mr
and you can do that from this manage the forms link here
or you can do that in the Admin section
under uploader for so we're gonna do that now
there's three different ways he can upload the forms
add to this system the first one is up by downloading them much is the easiest
tennis uploading them %uh if you've downloaded them from
acid Oscar Canada .org website and the third is you can generate your own with
the form generator
and I i show how to do that in another video
so in order to do the easiest one here downloading he forms you click on the
download the forms link
it comes up with the list up different forms you can add directly interior Mr
it's very simply disco con lo de farm and I it doesn't automatically so
take a quick look through here and see if the the form that you want to add is
has already been added
so the next ways to upload any form arm
and in order to upload it you must first have downloaded it from
our website so there's a lot of the forms available on oskar Canada .org
just go to the Oscar Users section
then TE Mr in case management resources 20 forms
under the forms for download ALM there's
hundreds and hundreds a different tack he forms
arm and I'm just gonna show you one example here
and this is an HDMI each email file for a life lab workers Ishan
it says it's matched with this particular image file
I which is the the link below it here so in order to upload any form
to I am Rumi rigondi both the HTML file
and to the PNG so
now will go back to the upload the form section here
i cant browse on my computer for where I've saved the HTML file
from the Oscar Canada website a which I saved it here
and an open at and I any given to
harm name life flapper condition
and click upload
and I you can see the form now shows here now
if I click on it ok
3 I left my position and you can see the HTML
the formal show here all the input fields but there's no PNG image behind
so I need to upload the appropiate our image
to the ice cream are now and we do that in
upload an image so
now I'm gonna Brouwers and I'm gonna upload a lie flat breck
to PNG image that I saved from the Oscar can a website it's important that you
make sure the file name is cracked here otherwise
want associate properly with the I am
other HTML file so open at
click Upload and I search for it
you can see that it shows right there to delete if I want to but
at this point I'm just gonna go back to play for manana click again on my flat
and voila the image shows behind
and I can go to a patient profile check whatever I'd like
and tactics aimed at the bottom of the page or submit
so they killed I'll thanks for watching this quick tutorial help it was helpful
for you
if you have any other questions or need any im more information
you can go to the Oscar Canada .org website
I was like a great information there or you can contact us through our website
Oscar host .ca