
a. Select "Private" as an 'Invoice Type' in the top right of the 'Create Invoice' screen (yellow highlighted area)

b. Enter patient details as per a standard provincial invoice, this is also where you can select if the payer will be the patient, or a 3rd party 'Payer' if one has been defined.

c. If you have set your private service codes group as primary, it will automatically appear on the right side of the billing table. If you did not set it as primary, select it from the drop down menu (red).

d. Add your service code, and the service date in the top line, just like you would for a normal invoice. Click the black 'Add' button to add the line to the invoice. You will notice that the total is added up at the bottom left. When complete, click "Save and View".

e. You can also view and print your saved invoice in the "Manage Invoice" section under the "Payment Due" tab.

Note: Your invoice will be viewed in a different tab in your Internet browser. Make sure pop-ups from ClinicAid are allowed.

Continue to private invoice setup part 4