Providers who supervise other providers within a clinic may need to review encounter notes left on patients’ eCharts by providers they supervise. Juno EMR has the Verify & Sign tool to help with this. This guide details how to use the “Sign & Save” tool to append signatures to encounter notes and the “Verify & Sign” tool to sign the encounter notes as reviewed.


The encounter notes first have to be signed and saved by a provider using the “Sign & Save” tool, before a supervising provider verifies and signs the notes using the “Verify & Sign” tool.

You can find our detailed guide for users using the Juno UI, and the Classic UI below:

Juno UI

Sign & Save

After an interaction with a patient is documented in the note editor on the patient’s chart, providers can click on the “Sign & Save” button at the bottom of the ‘note editor’(see image below) to sign and save the note.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when

Clicking on the “Sign & Save” button will close the note editor, append the provider’s signature to the bottom of the encounter note(see image below) and save the note to the EMR. The saved note will now be listed in the Notes section of the patient’s ‘Summary’ page.

Note that if the encounter note is signed and saved while on the patient’s summary page, the page has to be refreshed for the provider’s signature to populate at the bottom of the note.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img1

Verify & Sign

To verify an encounter note in the Juno UI, open the patient's “Summary” page by searching for a patient, then clicking on the “Summary” link(see image) from the patient’s ‘Details’ page.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img10


The encounter note you are looking to review should have a provider’s signature appended at the bottom, click on the "Edit" button (see image below) at the top right of the encounter note to open the note in the ‘note editor’ towards the bottom of the page, review the note and make changes as needed.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img2


After reviewing the note, click on the "Verify & Sign" button (see image below). 


 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img3


Clicking the "Verify & Sign" button will append the verifying provider’s signature to the bottom of the encounter note and close the note editor. Once the ‘Summary’ page is refreshed, the encounter note should be updated with "Verified and Signed on (date and time) by (verifying provider’s name)” at the bottom (see image below).


 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img4

Classic UI

Sign & Save

After an interaction with a patient is documented in an encounter note on the patient’s eChart, providers can click on the “Sign & Save” button at the bottom(see image below) to sign and save the note.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img5

Clicking on the “Sign & Save” button will append the provider’s signature to the bottom of the encounter note(see image below) and close the patient’s eChart, which means the note is fully saved in the EMR.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img6

Verify & Sign

To verify an encounter note, open the patient's eChart by either clicking on the "E" on an appointment, on the "E" in the search window or the "E-Chart" option highlighted in blue on the left of the patient's master file. 

The encounter note you are looking to review should have a provider’s signature appended at the bottom, click the "Edit" link (see image below) at the top right of the encounter note, review the note and make changes as needed.

 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img7


After reviewing the note, click on the "Verify & Sign" button (see image below). 


 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img8


Clicking the "Verify & Sign" button will append the verifying provider’s signature to the bottom of the encounter note and close the patient’s eChart. The encounter note should now be updated with "Verified and Signed on (date and time) by (verifying provider’s name)” at the bottom (see image below).


 sign save vs verify sign what to use when  - img9