The Juno EMR Demographic Report Tool is a built in report that allows users to generate patient lists matching streamlined search criteria.

The Demographic Report Tool is divided into two (2) sections: 

  • The "Search For" section on the left of the page, is where you select specific patient information you would like to see for each patient on the patient list and

  • The “Where” section is where you enter/ select your search criteria.

To access the Demographic Report tool in Classic UI, click on the "Report" link at the top of the schedule page to open the “Report List” page, then click on the " Demographic Report Tool" link (No. 11).

In Juno UI, click on “Reports” at the top of the schedule page, then click on "Demographic Report Tool" (No. 10) on the left. The ‘Reports’ tab may be hidden under the “More” option if you are using Juno with a smaller screen display, click on “More”, then click on “Reports” from the dropdown.


Using the Tool

In the "Search For" section on the left of the page, click on the checkboxes to select the information you would like to retrieve for each patient on the patient list.

using the demographic report tool

In the "Where" section, enter/ select search criteria that are relevant to your search. 

Search Criteria in the Where Section

  • Age- enter a range in the boxes in the Age field, or select a specific option from the dropdown, then enter a value in the box(es). 

The 'Exact’, 'In the year' and 'As of' fields are used to select an Age style. For example, if you want a list of patients that are 60years old, select 

  • ‘Exact’ if you want patients that are exactly 60, or 

  • 'In the year' if you want patients that will turn 60 within the year or 

  • select a specific date using the calendar icon to the right of the 'As of' field to see patients that will be/ were 60 as of a specific date.


  • First Name and Last Name- enter a name as a search criteria.

  • Roster Status- for Ontario Clinics- used to find Rostered patients and for other clinics- used to find patients you have customized 'roster status' for.

  • Sex- to find patients of a specific gender(at birth).

  • Provider No.- click on the checkbox beside a provider’s name or leave blank if you want a clinic wide list.

  • Patient Status- select “AC” to search for Active patients, “IN” for Inactive Patients or “DE” for Deceased Patients.

  • Demographic ID(s)- enter demographic number(s) to pull a list of patients.

  • Order By- use the dropdown to select an option to order your list by.

  • Limit Result To- select how may search results you want

Once all the search criteria are selected/ entered, click on the "Run Query" button at the bottom of the 'Search For' section(see image below). This populates a patient list matching your search criteria under the table.

using the demographic report tool - img1


Saving and Reusing Search Queries

You can save and reuse your search query by clicking on the "Save Query" button at the bottom of the 'Search For' section after selecting the patient information in the “Search For” section and filling out your search criteria in the “Where” section.


using the demographic report tool - img2


To reuse the saved query, first click on a checkbox in the 'Search For' section, then select the saved criteria from the dropdown above the 'Where" section(see image below). The numbers in the dropdown indicate the order the search queries were saved, i.e. first saved query- 1


After selecting the search criteria, click on the "Load Query" button, this automatically fills out the details in the 'Search For' and 'Where' sections. 


using the demographic report tool - img3


After loading the query, click on the "Run Query" button at the bottom of the 'Search For' section to run the search.