This guide contains details on how to assign documents received by fax or uploaded into the EMR using the inbox document mass uploader.

Finding your documents

If you are using the Juno EMR faxing integration with SRFax for inbound faxes, you will find your incoming faxes in the 'General/Unclaimed inbox' of your Juno EMR. This is also where you will find documents that have been manually uploaded to provider 'None' when using the inbox mass uploaded. Documents uploaded to a specific provider's inbox will be accessible through that person's inbox rather than the general inbox.

The ‘General inbox’ can be accessed by clicking on the "*"(Asterisk) to the right of the inbox link (see image) on top of the schedule page.

assigning documents in juno

In the Juno UI, the ‘General inbox’ can be accessed by clicking on the number highlighted in orange in the right of ‘Inbox’ in the main navigation bar (see image). The number indicates the unread messages in the general inbox.

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Received faxes and uploaded documents will have "Not, Assigned" in the "Patient Name" column because they are yet to be assigned to a demographic and will also have a yellow background. Unopened / unread documents will have an asterisk (*) to the left of the ‘Patient Name’.

Documents in the inbox can either be assigned by opening each document from the ‘List view’ or from  the ‘Preview Mode’. 


To view documents in the ‘List View’, click on "Not, Assigned" in the Patient Name column on the document table, to open the document.


The preview mode as the name implies gives a preview of all the documents in the inbox at a stretch, it is the recommended option when assigning multiple documents. To view documents in the ‘Preview Mode’, click on the "Preview" button on the top left of the inbox.


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Navigating and Assigning a Document

For multi paged documents, you can navigate between pages by clicking on the “Next” or “Last” link on the top right of the document (see image below). 


Regardless of whether you open a document from the ‘List view’ or in the ‘Preview mode’, in the dialogue box to the right you’ll have some information about the document at the top; the date the document was uploaded, the Content Type and the Number of Pages.


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  1. Document Type: Select the "Document Type" from the dropdown.

  2. Document Description: Add a document title in the "Document Description" field- this will be the name the document is listed as in the patient’s eChart.

  3. Observation Date: If the document is a diagnostic test result, the observation date can be changed to the date the test was carried out. Enter the date in the field, or click on the “Calendar” icon to the right of the field to select a date.

  4. Demographic: In the demographic field, start typing in the patient’s last name into the field, then select the patient’s name from the populated list below. You can enter the first 3 letters of the patient’s last name and first name separated by a comma to streamline your search. 

  5. Flag Provider: 

    1. Use the flag provider field, to add providers you would like to send copies of the document. 

    2. In some cases, the MRP may be automatically flagged to receive a copy. You can click on the "remove" link to the right of the MRP’s name if the MRP does not need to receive a copy. 

    3. To add providers, type in the "last name" of a provider to be flagged, then select their name from the populated list. You can flag multiple recipients to receive a copy of the document.

  6. When assigning a document from the “List View”, click on the “Save” button, then close the page 

  7. When assigning a document from the “Preview Mode”, click on the “Save & Next” button to assign the next document on the list. Follow the steps above to assign the next document.

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