If you are submitting a claim for an out-of-province patient that is also a referral you will need to flag your claim for a Manual review and fax any supporting documentation like the referral letter from the OOP referring provider to the centralized fax number 905-434-4186.
To successfully submit your invoice follow the steep below.
- In the advanced tab leave the "Referral ID" section blank
- Turn the "Manual Review Indicator" to YES
- Under "Manual Review Notes-for print/fax" write a note stating that the referring provider is from out of province
- Fax the referral letter, along with the printed invoice which includes the manual review note to the centralized fax number above.
If you have any questions about how to submit supporting documentation, you can call 1-800-262-6524 or email SSContactCentre.MOH@ontario.ca.