Step 1:

Go to the Admin section in the left-hand side menu, open the Billing Files tab and click on the green "Generate Submission Files" button.

Step 2: 

In the pop-up box, you will see all the claims that have been created, select "Generate All".

Clinicaid Saskatchewan Getting Started Guide

Step 3: 

Download your generated file by clicking on the arrow button. That file will then be saved to your downloads folder.

Clinicaid Saskatchewan Getting Started Guide

Step 4: 

Go to the Ministry's ICS webpage to log in to your ICS account, by clicking on "Upload Files” if you do not have access to ICS you can contact the MSB Casework Unit at 306-798-0013 and ask to be enrolled for electronic submissions through ICS. Once you are registered with ICS you will need to install the Security Certificate to your browser, this certificate is provided by ICS.

Step 5: 

Click on "Submit Claims", which will bring you to where you can choose your file that you just downloaded to your computer, once you choose your file select "Submit Claims", which will then submit your claims to the Ministry.

Step 6: 

Picking up your Return file:

Once the ICS portal is accessible, you will need to log in to download your Remittance File. 

  • Go to the Admin section and go down to Billing Files

  • Select the Remittance Files tab and click on “Download Files” which will direct you to the ICS portal, from the ICS portal, select “Pick up Returns”, this will download your return file to your computer

  • Then in ClinicAid select  the green "Upload Remittance Files"

Once the Remittance File is uploaded ClinicAid will automatically read through the file and mark your invoices as paid or rejected. And you can view those claims under Manage Invoices.

MSB Billing Cycle:

The in Saskatchewan is every 2 weeks and the cut-off is Tuesday at 9:00 AM. After the cut off the ICS portal will be inaccessible. As of Wednesday at 12:00 PM the portal will become accessible once again.