In case you haven’t had your provider record(s) set up yet, here is what you’ll need to do.

Step 1: From the left-hand side menu, click on the 'Admin' section.

Step 2: Click on 'Providers'.

Step 3: Click on the green “+ Add Provider” button near the top left.

Step 4: Complete the provider information, including:

First and last name: the physician’s name

Provider Billing number

Clinic ID : clinic name, town, address, postal code 

Location code (office, in patient, etc.)

*Please note that you will need to get setup for ICS submissions in order to submit your electronic claims through ClinicAid. You can contact the MSB Casework Unit at 306-798-0013 and ask to be enrolled for electronic submissions through ICS.

Step 5: Click the blue “Create provider” button in order to save the record.

Once you’ve completed all of the fields and saved the record, you should see a new provider displayed in the account. You can view the record by clicking the name of the provider or the gray eye icon to the far right of the practitioner's record. You can make edits to the record by clicking the name of the provider and selecting edit, or by clicking the blue edit pencil icon to the far right of practitioner's record. Providers can be set to “inactive” if needed.

Once you’ve completed all of the fields and saved the record, you should see a new provider displayed in the account which, if viewed by clicking the name of the provider or the gray eye button to the right, should look something like this:

You’ll need to set up separate provider records for each of the physicians the billing will be done for using this ClinicAid account.