This guide contains details on how to create appointments in the Juno UI. 

To book an appointment, first navigate to the schedule page by clicking on the “Schedule” link at the top. 

Creating an Appointment

To book an appointment, click on the row for the time slot in the schedule to open the “Add Appointment” window. For instance, clicking on any portion of the highlighted section in the image below, will select the 9:15am time slot. 

In the "Add Appointment" window:

  1. Patient: Start typing the patient's name into the 'Patient' field. A list matching your entry will populate below the field as you type. Click the patient's name from the list. 

If you are creating an appointment for a new patient, you can click on the “+” sign to the right of the “Patient” field to create the patient/ demographic record.

The patient's details are automatically populated in the Demographic area below the patient field.

If the appointment is not linked to a patient’s record, you can add a title for the appointment here e.g., “Meeting”, “Phone Call”. 

Note that an appointment can have the same name as a patient's demographic record, but if the name entered is not correctly linked (i.e. by selecting the patient’s name from the populated list below the ‘Patient’ field) the demographic information will not appear in the field below (red rectangle), indicating that the appointment will be created as a meeting appointment rather than a patient appointment.

  1. Appointment Type: If you have created appointment types, select an option from the "Appointment type" dropdown.

  1. Status dropdown: Change the appointment status by selecting an option from the status dropdown.

  1. Critical Checkbox: The Critical checkbox can be checked off to indicate that an appointment is crucial or of high-priority. Selecting the Critical checkbox adds an indicator for critical appointments (a triangle icon) to the appointment.

  1. Virtual Type: By default appointments are created as “Non Virtual” appointments. The dropdown options are only available if the patient has an email address entered in their demographic record. To create a virtual appointment, select “Telehealth” from the virtual type dropdown. 

When creating a Telehealth appointment, click on the “Create and Notify” button, so the patient receives an email containing the appointment details, including a link to that telehealth session. If you would like to send the email after the appointment is booked, you can click on the “Send Notification” button in the Modify Appointment window.

  1. Date, Time and Duration: If needed, adjust the Date, Time and Duration fields. The ‘Duration’ should be entered in minutes. Note that when adjusting any of these fields, you will not be notified if the new time slot has an existing appointment (i.e. this does not check for double-booking).

  1. Reason Type: Select a reason type from the dropdown. The selected option is visible on the provider's schedule. The reason type feature can be used to categorize appointments for reporting purposes.

  1. Notes: Add any notes related to the appointment can be added here. Notes added to an appointment will only be visible within the specific appointment and will not appear in the patient’s chart.

  1. Reason: The reason that the appointment has been booked for this patient. Text entered into this field is shown on the schedule.

  1. Click on the "Create" button to save the appointment. 

If the patient has an email address entered in their demographic record, you will also have a “Create and Notify” button at the bottom. Clicking on this button will save the appointment and also send an appointment notification to the patient. If you would like to send the notification after the appointment is booked, you can click on the “Send Notification” button in the Modify Appointment window.

‘Do Not Book’ Appointments

A “Do Not Book” appointment block can be used to set out time intervals on your schedule during which appointments should not be scheduled. 

To add a “Do Not Book” block to your schedule,

  1. Click on a time block in the schedule to open the “Add Appointment” window

  1. Adjust the duration as needed

  1. Fill out the “Reason” and “Notes” fields as needed. As this appointment cannot be named using the patient field, the Reason field is best for indicating why this time has been blocked off. 

  1. Click on the “Do Not Book” button at the bottom. 

This adds a “Do Not Book” block for the specified time interval to the schedule.

“Do Not Book” appointments cannot be used in conjunction with patient demographics. Clicking on the “Do Not Book” button will fill out the text "Do Not Book" in the ‘Patient’ field, canceling any previously made association with a demographic record.

Deleting and Modifying Appointments

To delete or modify an appointment;

  1. Click on the patient’s name in the appointment. If it is a meeting appointment, or a ‘Do Not Book’ appointment block, click on the name of the meeting or the ‘Do Not Book’ text.

  1. In the “Modify Appointment” window, make the necessary changes to the appointment, then click on the “Modify” button.

Note that any change to a patient's name in a patient appointment will break the connection to that patient and their name (or another patient's name, in the case of a correction) will need to be re-selected from the populated list below the ‘Patient’ field to re-establish that connection. 

Also, Telehealth appointments cannot be changed to “Non Virtual” appointments and Non Virtual appointments cannot be changed to “Telehealth” appointments.

  1. To delete an appointment, click on the “Delete” button.