This document will show you how to review, edit, and send new and rejected invoices to the Ministry for payment:

    1. Review and Edit Invoices:

  • Review your newly created invoices in the ClinicAid “Manage Invoice” section in the “New” tab (ClinicAid defaults to the “New” tab when you click “Manage Invoices”). If you need to edit any of your claims, click on the blue pencil edit icon to the far right of the claim.

  • Click on the blue “edit” hyperlink near the bottom right of the invoice.

  • This will move the invoice’s health service code, diagnostic code, service date etc. to the top of the claim where you can change them if need be. You can also change the patient, provider, and other information on the “Advanced” tab. 


  • Click the blue "Save" button in bottom right to save your changes. You can view your changes on the invoice in the 'Manage Invoice' section by clicking the gray eye icon to the far right of the claim.

  1. Send Invoices:

    To send your invoices go to the ClinicAid “Manage Invoices” section in the
        left hand menu and to the “New” tab. You can send your claims one of
        several ways.     

        Three ways are as follows:

  1. Click the green send button to the far right of the invoice.

  1. Select the claims you wish to send by putting a check mark in the box to the far left of the claim and clicking the green “Send” button near the bottom left.

  2. To send all your new claims at the same time, click the box to the left of the “Service Date” column header near the top left. This will select all your new claims.

Click the green “Send” button near the bottom left to send your claims to the Ministry for payment. 

Once you click send your claims will move to the “Pending” tab. When the Ministry responds they will send your paid claims to the “Settled” tab and your rejected, underpaid, and paid at zero claims to the “Required Action” tab in the “Manage Invoice” section.