The first thing you’ll need to do in order to complete your account setup is to create a provider record for each of the physicians that the billing will be done for in ClinicAid. If you’ve already been in touch with one of our support reps, this step may already be partially or fully completed for you.
In case you haven’t had your provider records set up yet, here is what you’ll need to do.
Step 1: From the left-hand side menu, click on the Preferences section.
Step 2: Click on Providers. You’ll need to set up separate provider records for each of
the physicians the billing will be done for.
Step 3: Click on the blue “Add a provider” button.
Step 4: Complete the provider information:
Below is some information about what each section means when adding your provider record:
Claims Office: Submitted claims will be sent to one of the specifically designated claims offices in Ontario. These offices were previously based on geographical location, but recent changes to assignment procedures may have affected your claims office location.
If you’re unsure which claims office you belong to, the best way to confirm is to give the OHIP Service Support Centre a call at 800-262-6524 or to email them at
Visit Location: The Visit Location, also known as “Master Number”, is generally required for services provided in larger health facilities such as hospitals and extended care centres. This is a 4 digit code that identifies the specific facility. In ClinicAid, Visit Location is a lookup field that can be typed into to search for the correct code. Simply type in the name of the hospital and select the correct facility from the search results that appear in the list. (If you are not providing services at a hospital, you can enter the code 0000 - No Location. If you leave this field blank, your claims will have this location (0000) set by default.)
Group Number: To be completed only if you are using a group billing number for your claim submission payments. This is generally applicable to practitioners who work at clinics with multiple practitioners on staff where the clinic is receiving payment from the Ministry and is then responsible for paying out each physician. This can also be the group number assigned to the hospital or PHU that coordinated the vaccine service delivery.
Specialty: A two-digit code that identifies your specialty (e.g. 00 - Family Practice and practice in General, 19 - Psychiatry, etc.). This field is also searchable and can be typed into if you’re unsure of your specialty’s code.
Service Location Indicator (SLI): A 3 letter code that specifies where in a hospital or care centre (Visit Location) the service was performed. There are currently 8 options to choose from, as well as the default option, 3821 - Not Applicable. If you leave this field blank, your claims will autocomplete with the 3821 SLI code.
Shadow Billing: This is done by physicians who do not work in a fee-for-service model (e.g., practitioners who work in Family Health Teams (FHTs)). Shadow billing involves submitting information about the services that have been provided but not for the purpose of reimbursement. Shadow billings are claims submitted by physicians and nurse practitioners who are paid a salary or who work under a contract.
Override MUID (Override GoSecure Credentials For This Provider checkbox): This is a special setting used to set up the connection between ClinicAid and OHIP’s Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer system. Checking this box when setting up or editing a provider’s record allows the user to override the global GO Secure details that are set in the Admin section for the entire account. GO Secure credentials are required in order to connect the ClinicAid account directly to OHIP’s MC EDT submission system. This indicator should be used in situations where there are multiple physicians using one ClinicAid account, but some or all have their own individual GOSecure credentials that they are using for their particular claims.
Step 5: Once you’ve completed all of the fields, click the blue “Create Provider” button at the bottom to save the record. You should see a new provider displayed in the account. To view, click the name of the provider or the little gray eye button to the right.
To edit your provider record click the blue pencil icon to the right, edit the fields, and click the blue “Update Provider” button at the bottom.
Your Provider Profile should look something like this: