The Internal Messenger is similar to an email system, except it works only for users of your Juno EMR within the EMR itself. Messages can be sent to one or multiple staff members at a time, and users can reply to messages received from other staff members. A message contains both a subject line and a message body.

Finding My Messages

Notifications of new messages appear at the top right of the window under the Messengers menu. The icon itself will show notifications about new messages white font on a red circle, however the number indicated by the icon will typically group notifications for both the internal and patient messengers. To see notifications for the Internal Messenger only, click on the chat bubbles to expand the menu, then look for a notification dot beside the ‘Internal Messenger’ icon.

Click on the ‘Internal Messenger’ option in the menu to open your Internal Messenger. Your messages will open in a new window. New messages will be displayed with a bolded font. Click on the message to view it.

The notification for a new internal message will be displayed until the message is read. Once a message has been read, it is not possible to mark it as un-read, or to have the notification return.

Sending an Internal Message

Messages can be sent from various sections of the EMR: the patient record (‘Create Message’), documents and reports reviewed from the Inbox or the Internal Messenger itself are some examples. In all cases, creating a new message will open a new window that looks like this:

  1. Patient Messenger Navigation – Use the buttons at the top of the screen to navigate within the Internal Messenger.

  2. Send Message – Use the ‘Send Message’ button to send the message once it is written.
  3. Recipients – Check the box beside each user you wish to send your message to. You can select as many as needed individually or select a specific group of users like the ‘doc’ group on the screenshot. It is identified with a yellow rectangle on the screenshot.
  4. Subject Line – Enter the subject line of your message. This is what recipients will see in their Internal Messenger when they receive your message.
  5. Body of Message – Type in the body of your message in the large text area.
  6. Demographic – Messages can be associated with a patient record as needed. When a message is created from the chart or an assigned document/report, the demographic will automatically be included. If you write your message from the messenger itself, however, you will need to add the demographic if you want the message to be associated with the patient record.

    To do that, type in the patient’s name in the text field under ‘Link this message to …’, then click on the ‘Search Demographic’ button. Note that this performs a search by last name. If you trying to find the record for Leonard Sams, for example, you will need to search for ‘Sams’, or part of the name. To include the first name in the search, add a comma. You could find Leonard Sams by typing ‘sa,le’ in the search field which are the first two letters of the last name followed by a comma then the first two letters of the first name.

    Click on the demographic number on the search window to select the patient.

Note: Messages can only be sent to users who have been selected as recipients in the administration panel. If the person you want to send a message is not on the list, they will need to be added. This can be done by any system administrators by following this guide.