Provincial Billing in Juno EMR (ClinicAid)

Find solutions regarding provincial billing with your Juno EMR, primarily regarding ClinicAid billing.

BC - Business Cost Premium & Juno
The following guide will allow you to enter your BCP information in Juno to ensure you and/or your doctors are fully benefitting from the premium. To find m...
Wed, 3 Jun, 2020 at 2:22 PM
BC - Setting Your Default MSP Service Location Code (SLC)
The MSP service location code (SLC) is a code sent with all your BC provincial invoices which is used to identify the treatment location type for the servic...
Wed, 29 Sep, 2021 at 3:02 PM
Juno EMR and ClinicAid – How does the integration work?
Juno EMR and ClinicAid are integrated together. This means that they are two independent systems that have been programmed to work together. This offers you...
Wed, 22 Jun, 2022 at 10:29 AM
Rejection Handling - Updating Patient Information
When a patient’s information has been updated at the provincial level, but has not yet been updated in Juno EMR/ClinicAid, your invoices may come back rejec...
Tue, 26 Apr, 2022 at 11:00 AM