Who can bill WCB electronically?
Physicians, chiropractors, physiotherapists for acupuncture services, physicians for acupuncture services, medical and surgical specialists, physiotherapists, registered massage therapists.
Who can not bill WCB electronically?
Podiatrists, Acupuncturists, Optometrists.
Submitting a WCB Claim
To submit a WCB claim in ClinicAid you will have to change the Insurer Type to "WCB" on the Advanced tab in the Create Invoice section of ClinicAid.
This will unfade the WCB tab to the right of the Advanced tab, giving you access to an electronic WCB Report which you can fill out to submit with the claim.
*Note: In order to save the form in ClinicAid a PHN must be entered.
Once the WCB tab is available to edit. You'll want to:
- Select the Form you are billing (Form 8 or Form 11)
- Click on "Load From Patient" this will auto-fill your patient's details onto the form
- If available, enter the employer's information.
Next, you'll want to fill the form with all other claim information. You are required to submit your form with the following fields:
- Area of Injury
- Anatomical Position
- Nature Of Injury
- Date Of Injury and
- WorkSafeBC Claim Number (if available)
Worksafe claims are time-sensitive, which means you may be paid less depending on the date that WorkSafeBC receives the completed application.
You need to send the first report Form 8 within 3 business days of the patient’s first visit.
The second report is Form 11, where you’d outline any changes in your patient’s treatment or condition since the last report. You also need to fill out Form 11 when your patient is ready to return to work.
Both Form 8 and Form 11 payments:
- Received 0-3 days paid in full
- Received 3-6 days paid at a discount
- Received 6+ days paid at zero
ClinicAid saves all the WCB information entered on the first visit, so it's much easier to rebill for the same WCB claim for follow-up visits.
WorkSafeBC Expedited Consultations
Physicians and Surgeons’ WorkSafeBC Services Agreement April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022