In Alberta you have 90 days from the date of service to submit your claim. Unless you have an extenuating circumstance your claim will not be payable. For example, outdated claims resulting from disasters (fire, flood), fraud, stolen records (electronic/paper) or claims that have been refused by WCB may be taken into consideration. A resubmitted claim is not payable if it is resubmitted more than 90 days after the last transaction for that claim.
If you go over that 90 day period and you believe you have an extenuating circumstance you will need to send a written request to Alberta Health to the Claims Management Unit.780.422.1600
If the Claims Management Unit gives you permission to submit an out of date claim, it will be sent as per a regular claim.
Please check the AHCIP Bulletins and the Ministry website for the latest updates, regulations and requirements.
Bulletins for health professionals to stay current with information or billing updates to the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan:
Change to Claim Submission Time: