ClinicAid is built to connect directly to the Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer (MC EDT) system that is used for electronic claims submissions to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). However, in order to connect the two, you will require a GoSecure account that is set up for MC EDT submission.


If you already have your GoSecure account set up with your username and password, you can input this information in the “Admin” section in the left-hand menu of ClinicAid under the “Manage GoSecure” tab. This section is only available for users who have "Super Admin " access.

Click the green “+ Add GoSecure” button near the top left to add your information. 


You will need your:

  • MUID: your practitioner ID (OHIP number) or your group number if billing through a group.
  • Login: the email address or GoSecure ID that you use to log into the MC EDT system via the GoSecure site.
  • Password: the password that you use to log into the MC EDT system via the GoSecure site.


How to Connect Your Account to the Mc Edt System


How to Connect Your Account to the Mc Edt System


Once you have saved this information into this section, you will see a “pending validation” message. 

Our system runs a validation approximately every 10 minutes to make sure that it can connect to the MC EDT system with the details you’ve entered. 

When the validation has run, you should see an updated message in either green or red letting you know that the information you entered is either valid or invalid. If your information is valid, you are ready to start submitting claims through ClinicAid!


Please note: It is also possible to submit claims through a designee (someone you designate to submit your claims for you). There are additional steps to assigning a designee to your GoSecure account that you’ll need to complete before the person is able to submit claims for you. This is especially applicable for physicians who would like to use a billing agent for their OHIP claims submissions. You can reach GoSecure for more information at OHIP Service Support Centre at 800.262.6524 or

Here is some additional information you may find helpful: GoSecure Designee Instructions