You are new to Juno EMR, and wondering what is required for you to run the software? You came to the right place! You will find below our recommendations for the best Juno EMR experience!

Internet Access

Juno EMR is entirely web based. This means that you must have Internet access to login to the EMR. If you providing care via Telehealth, it is crucial to ensure that your Internet connection is going to be fast enough to handle the video calling. Your Internet connection should consistently offer you at least 10 mbps upload and 10 mbps download for Telehealth calls. The quality of your Telehealth calls will not be optimal with a lower connection speed.

We also recommend avoiding using Wi-Fi, particularly while doing Telehealth calls. A wired in connection will be more stable and typically faster, providing you and your patients with a better telehealth experience!

Device Type

If able, opt for a computer rather than a phone, a tablet or iPad when using Juno EMR. Juno EMR is not designed for mobile devices, so using a computer will provide you with the best experience!

Note that your device will need to be up to date. Juno EMR may not be accessible on older devices. 

Internet Browser

The best Internet browser to use with Juno EMR is Firefox ESR. You can find links to download the browser on your Juno EMR login page under the ‘Login’ button. The text specifically says ‘Juno EMR works best with the latest ESR (Extended Support Release) version of Firefox which you can download for PCs here and Macs here’.

If you are using Juno EMR on a mobile device, however, we recommend using Chrome.

Juno EMR may be accessed by other browsers; however, you may run into issues that would not occur on Firefox ESR which is the recommended browser.