You will now be able to import a CSV file with all billing-related data extracted from Connect Care.

Below is the guide on how to upload your Connect Care invoices.

You must first contact support by email at or by phone at 1-888-686-8560 ext 2 to enable your Connect Care invoice importer.

Once this has been enabled, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Create Invoice"
  2.  Select "Import Invoices"

From here you'll want to set the following options:

  1. Create/Update Patient Record: Select “No” if you do not wish to create or update the patient records (this will be selected if the patient record already exists in your account). Select “Yes” if you wish to create or update the patient records with the patient demographic information in your import CSV invoice file.
  2. Invoice Type: Connect Care.
  3. CSV Import File: Select the CSV file you have saved on your computer.
  4. Click the “Run Test Import” button


If any of the invoice lines are red, click on the line to review the error message. If necessary, edit your CSV file, and “Run Test Import” again.

When the file has been uploaded successfully click the green “Confirm Import and Run Live” button at the bottom right of the screen. 

You will find these newly created invoices in "Manage Invoices" under the "New" tab. You can individually submit your invoices by clicking on the green arrow :

Or you can submit all the invoices at once by clicking the box to the left of the “Service Date” column header near the top left. Once all invoices are selected click on "Send All" at the bottom of the page.