The GP Attachment Participation Code (14070) should be submitted at the beginning of each calendar year by Family Physicians (FP)’s who choose to participate in the GPSC Attachment Initiative. Once successfully processed by MSP, the FP may access the “Attachment participation” incentives (14074, 14075, 14076, 14077).

Submit fee item 14070 GP Attachment Participation Code using the following “Patient” demographic information:

PHN: 9753035697

Patient Surname: Portal

First name: GPSC

Date of Birth: January 1, 2013

ICD9 code: 780

Once this demographics is entered into ClinicAid, it will be saved for the following billable year.


  • Bill once per calendar year to confirm participation in the Attachment initiative.
  • Not payable to any physician who has billed and been paid for any specialist consultation in the previous 12 months.
  • Not payable to physicians who are employed by or who are under contract to a facility and whose duties would otherwise include provision of this care. 
  • Not payable to physicians working under salary, service contract or sessional arrangements whose duties would otherwise include provision of this care.